Thursday, September 1, 2011

So back in mid July we decided to take a (full) moonlit ride up Rocky Mountain National Park and Trail Ridge Road. Without getting into too many details, let me just say: it was dark to the point where headlights were useless, it was hot (read: upper 90s) in Denver when I left and yet in the low 50s at the top of Trail Ridge Road. Brr...

Since the group was smaller we stopped at Lake Mary Lodge and had a nice dinner although I ended up with a stomach ache the following day which I can't blame on the food, but I have no other idea of why I would have had a stomach ache.

Anywho, these are pictures from the trip:

From Lake Mary Lodge looking east towards the moonrise

The SV with peaks in the background (severely lightened)

The SV with some moving clouds in the background.

Believe it or not this is close to midnight, but with a 30 second exposure we see it a though it were late dusk.

Not focused very well, but you get the idea.

My friend Maria's Triumph.

And more SV.

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