When is a helmet not a helmet? When it's cleverly painted to look like another helmet, of course. Here's some of the interesting paint-jobs I've found on the internet of wonderfully painted motorcycle helmets.
Is that Jason Voorhees?
Is that Jason Voorhees?

Death's Head? Or something similar.
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man!
Boba Fett likes to ride, too.
Creature from the Black Lagoon?
Skull Cap has a whole new meaning
Yes, that's a helmet, no I don't know what it is.
The Crow?
Lions and bears don't ride.
Butt-head? Oh, yeah. Butt-head.
Iron Man!
Cheesy Adam West Batman helmet.
Aw, nuts.
What's up, Doc?
The Predator.
Black clad Spider-Man or Venom?