Are those tears in your eyes? Damn right they are.
My blog about riding my SV1000s. Motorcycle related events and interests in the Colorado area and longer rides (when I have time and money to go on them).
Friday, September 30, 2011
Last Weekend's Last Minute Ride
Last Saturday I wasn't supposed to ride, I was supposed to meet some photographers for s sunrise shoot up near Rocky Mountain National Park. That didn't happen. even though my alarm clock was set for 4am I didn't rise until 6:30am due to sleeping through the annoying rooster noise I set to wake me up. No matter how fast I rode the bike there was no way I could make it more than 90 miles in 10 minutes or less. It just wasn't happening.
View Last Minute ride 2011-09-24 in a larger map
So, at the urging of a friend I met up with some other riders at MoCo for a last minute ride. I didn't know their route and I didn't know but two other riders when I arrived at the staging location.
Anywho, we met up, we talked shit to each other and then we took off. It wasn't a very exciting ride and one rider really annoyed me to no end. When turning onto Squaw Pass from 74 the light turned yellow and then red before the last four of us could make it through. There was one rider ahead of me and two behind. I never learned the rider in front of me's name, but when he stopped he was in the middle of the intersection. I backed up as much as I could and waved him back. Instead of backing up and getting out of the way of cross- and turning traffic, he stood there in the middle of the intersection until the light turned green again.
And then he took off. I mean, he really took off. He left the last 3 of us in his dust as he tried to catch up to the others. This annoys me. Maybe it's the veteran in me, maybe it's the leader, mentor and coach in me, but whatever it is, it annoys me when people leave the pack like that. Sure, he was trying to catch up to the rest of our group, but since we were fragmented into our own smaller group (due to him not going through the yellow) he should have stayed it us. I was able to watch him for a while as he passed in double yellows, passed inside on hairpin turns and generally rode like a jackass. If he had gone down at any point I wouldn't have felt the slightest bit concern for him. I hate saying that, but it's true. If you ride like an ass-hat I'm not going to waste emotional energy being concerned over you when you wreck.
Having said that there were a few times I lost the people behind me in my rear-view mirror. I had to slow down and at one point pull over to wait for them to catch up. Maybe it was the traffic from all the autumn looky-loos and maybe Squaw Pass is always that busy. I don't know as I don't ride Squaw Pass that often (the road is terrible). We did catch up to the rest of the group at Echo Lake Park near the entrance to Mt. Evans road.
We continued on to I-70 and then Central City (speedway) Parkway to, well, Central City and Blackhawk.
Daniel and I split off and grabbed a bite to eat there. I love casino towns! The two of us ate for less than $5.00: a burger and fries with Salisbury steak and two drinks. Granted the drinks were cappuccino and sodas, both of which were terribly watered down, but it was lass than $5 for the both of us! Both!
After lunch we road peak-to-peak highway to Golden Gate Canyon and then split off: me to go east and south to get home, him to go north then east.
(For some reason my Map won't save properly)
This is the first half of the ride:
This is the first half of the ride:
View Last Minute ride 2011-09-24 in a larger map
Friday, September 23, 2011
Today was a... well, it was a day
The good news was my new AVG Willow jacket came in. Woot! And it was warm enough to ride over jacketless (which I don't like to do) and pick up the new jacket.
But this story really starts last night. Last night I rode the SV about 10 miles to go help a friend out for a couple of hours. I'd ridden a few times throughout the day without any problems and I didn't have any last night either. Until it was time to leave.
I jumped on the SV, turned the key and hit the START button. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Everything died.
I was torn: do I call the roommate who I have had a rocky relationship with for the past couple of weeks or do I call some friends who I haven't talked to since June, but they live closer? I just needed a jump and then I could get home.
I decided to try and run-start it myself. Sitting astride the saddle I Fred Flintstone'd the bike forward until I thought I was going fast enough to pop the clutch. Nogo.
I noticed the side street was a slight downward angle and tried again, this time using gravity as my partner I Fred Flintstone'd the bike forward and popped the clutch. Yay! It worked. As soon as I heard the purr of the vtwin it died. WTF?
I hit the START button again and she fired right up. Yay! Without further adieu I took off for home. However, every time I hit a blinker or breaks the bike died from drawing too much power. Luckily, I was moving fast enough to pop the clutch again.
I headed home, hoping every second that I wouldn't have to stop at any traffic lights. I did, but luckily the SV didn't die on me.
Fast forward to this morning.
When I take Rufus (my dog) out for a walk I grab the keys and head for the bike -- she fires right up. Really? Nothing residual happening? WTF? Was it just something loose? But no, over the past six weeks I've had to trickle-charge the battery a couple of times.
But the SV fired right up!
Fast forward a few more hours. I jump on the SV to head down to Grand Prix Motorsports to pick up my new jacket. I ride all the way there, a cool 27 miles, and park the bike. I go inside, pick up my hold, and meander for a while. Motorcycle shops are like bookstores for me, I can browse for hours with nothing to do.
After about a half hour of doing nothing I decide it's time to take off. Plus, I wanted to swing by a friend's house who lives nearby. I go out to the SV, put the key in, jump on and hit the START button.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Are you kidding me!
So, I went back in and bought a new battery. A YUASA battery and an extra $20 for a lifetime warranty. Why the warranty? If the battery dies, or rather, when the battery dies, I get a free replacement: for life. That's right, for life. Essentially, I paid $20 for my next battery by buying it years in advance.
But, oh, that's not the end. The battery needs the electrolytes added and then it needs to charge for a few hours before being installed. [sarcasm] Fantastic! [/sarcasm] I don't have hours, though. I call my friend who lives nearby hoping he can come get me. No answer. Chris, in the parts department, says they can give me a jump if I can charge the battery at home. I can, but that means I still need to get the battery home. I have no backpack, no tank-bag, no tailbags, no nothing. [sarcasm] Great! [/sarcasm]
In the end, I ended up balancing it between me and the tank making me glad I'm not fatter since I had a hard time reaching the handles much less the break and clutch lever.
I got home with no problems, added the electrolytes and put it on the charger.
Fast forward a few hours.
I just installed the battery.
End of story. :D
But this story really starts last night. Last night I rode the SV about 10 miles to go help a friend out for a couple of hours. I'd ridden a few times throughout the day without any problems and I didn't have any last night either. Until it was time to leave.
I jumped on the SV, turned the key and hit the START button. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Everything died.
I was torn: do I call the roommate who I have had a rocky relationship with for the past couple of weeks or do I call some friends who I haven't talked to since June, but they live closer? I just needed a jump and then I could get home.
I decided to try and run-start it myself. Sitting astride the saddle I Fred Flintstone'd the bike forward until I thought I was going fast enough to pop the clutch. Nogo.
I noticed the side street was a slight downward angle and tried again, this time using gravity as my partner I Fred Flintstone'd the bike forward and popped the clutch. Yay! It worked. As soon as I heard the purr of the vtwin it died. WTF?
I hit the START button again and she fired right up. Yay! Without further adieu I took off for home. However, every time I hit a blinker or breaks the bike died from drawing too much power. Luckily, I was moving fast enough to pop the clutch again.
I headed home, hoping every second that I wouldn't have to stop at any traffic lights. I did, but luckily the SV didn't die on me.
Fast forward to this morning.
When I take Rufus (my dog) out for a walk I grab the keys and head for the bike -- she fires right up. Really? Nothing residual happening? WTF? Was it just something loose? But no, over the past six weeks I've had to trickle-charge the battery a couple of times.
But the SV fired right up!
Fast forward a few more hours. I jump on the SV to head down to Grand Prix Motorsports to pick up my new jacket. I ride all the way there, a cool 27 miles, and park the bike. I go inside, pick up my hold, and meander for a while. Motorcycle shops are like bookstores for me, I can browse for hours with nothing to do.
After about a half hour of doing nothing I decide it's time to take off. Plus, I wanted to swing by a friend's house who lives nearby. I go out to the SV, put the key in, jump on and hit the START button.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Are you kidding me!
So, I went back in and bought a new battery. A YUASA battery and an extra $20 for a lifetime warranty. Why the warranty? If the battery dies, or rather, when the battery dies, I get a free replacement: for life. That's right, for life. Essentially, I paid $20 for my next battery by buying it years in advance.
But, oh, that's not the end. The battery needs the electrolytes added and then it needs to charge for a few hours before being installed. [sarcasm] Fantastic! [/sarcasm] I don't have hours, though. I call my friend who lives nearby hoping he can come get me. No answer. Chris, in the parts department, says they can give me a jump if I can charge the battery at home. I can, but that means I still need to get the battery home. I have no backpack, no tank-bag, no tailbags, no nothing. [sarcasm] Great! [/sarcasm]
In the end, I ended up balancing it between me and the tank making me glad I'm not fatter since I had a hard time reaching the handles much less the break and clutch lever.
I got home with no problems, added the electrolytes and put it on the charger.

Fast forward a few hours.
I just installed the battery.
End of story. :D
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Ordered this badboy yesterday to replace the Joe Rocket Blaster 2.0 I've been wearing for 4 years.
I like the simple non-racer design to this. I, of course, got it at a much better price than they're saying on this video.
I like the simple non-racer design to this. I, of course, got it at a much better price than they're saying on this video.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Situation
I had a friend in town over the Labor Day weekend. I met her about two years ago at a party for the the local sportbike group here in Colorado and last year she decided to move to Hawai'i for whatever reason (I think to follow a guy she met while on vacation there) and this was her first trip back to Colorado since she left.
Before she even came back to the continent she sent out a Facebook event notification stating she wanted to go on a ride while she was in town. When she moved to Hawai'i she sold her GSXR-600 as well as nearly every other item she owned and therefore didn't have anything to ride while she was in the island state. Luckily, another friend had bought a R1 and had a GSXR-750 sitting in the garage for her to use. Fair enough.
The Event
So, we met on Sunday morning in the nearly 50 degree-f weather at a local meeting point for our ride. If history was any indication I didn't need to worry so hard about arriving on time and history was right: about half the people showed up to the staging place nearly a half hour late. That was an unfortunate bit of serendipity as it allowed the weather to get a little warmer, however it did place the day's schedule perilously close to going past it's 9a-noon time frame. Not that we ride on a schedule, mind you, but the ride was set to be over at noon and a lot of us had other plans for the rest of the day including barbecues, the Taste of Colorado and other cultural events.
Anywho, we finally started our ride. Again, the same as the last couple of weeks, I found myself riding with people I wasn't accustomed to riding with. Sure, there were the usual suspects, but then there were another 5 or 6 people I've never seen on a motorcycle.
The Players
A couple of the guys, Matty and Isaac, were people I'd met just earlier that weekend. Both joked that I'd never be able to keep up with them, that they were great riders. Matty rides a ZX6R (636) and Isaac (to my amazement) rode a blue 2004 SV1000s. It was nearly stock and from what I understood Isaac had only acquired it a month or two earlier.
We took off. My friend Jim was the lead person riding an Aprillia and Randall rode as the sweeper on his Blackbird. I was somewhere in the middle. Both of the other guys are good riders, Jim a racer and Randall just very experienced: responsible for themselves and the group and I didn't have to think twice about them. Some of the other riders weren't so strong or I haven't ridden with them enough to know their skill level and had to make my assumptions based on who I know who have ridden with them in the past.
The beginning of the ride wasn't too bad -- we hit the canyons outside of the metro area, heading southwest. Unfortunately, because we did start so late we also ran into a lot more cager traffic than we normally would have had out kickstands up time been met. A couple of the riders, Matty and Isaac, weren't content to ride in a group at the speeds we were travelling and they spent an inordinate amount of time looking over their shoulders as though they were trying to keep an eye on someone in the rear of the group although we had a sweeper who fulfills that duty. Between speeding up on the lead and zig-zagging in and out of our group they were trying to keep an eye on one of the riders in the rear of the line, presumably Amber, another rider. In short, they weren't really being safe or responsible riders.
We turned onto a much loved and very dangerous road that takes the lives of riders every year, most recently a fellow sportbike rider in June that resulted in our Memorial Ride a couple of weeks ago. As soon as we left the more traveled portion of this road the two riders, Matty and Isaac, started again with their zig-zagging, illegal passing in double-yellow zones and riding to the front of the group then slowing down and speeding up again. You have to understand, this is a two-lane road with cliffs on one side and drops on the other with an average posted speed-limit of 35mph. As a group we were going considerably faster than the posted 35mph and these guys were going much faster than the rest of us while riding (in my opinion) irresponsibly.
As we hit a series of blind turns Isaac and Matty decided to pass the lead rider, Jim. Normally when we ride this is a big no-no that will not get you invited on more group rides. The lead is the lead and serves a function; some of those functions are to set the pace and to scout out the road ahead marking items that might pose a danger to the group. After Matty and Isaac passed Jim everything gets hazy.
The Crisis
By this time I am the third person in the group: Jim, (another) Matty (on a Ducati) and myself, then Christie (on a ZX10r), Wayne (on a SV650s), Kristina (on a borrowed GSXR750), Amber (on a blue R6, I think, (some other guy (on a custom chopper believe it or not), Becky (on a R1) and finally our sweeper, Randall. Jim, (the other) Matty and I come around this blind turn to see a white Chevy pickup parked in a left turn pullout and a motorcycle on the ground lodged up under a guard rail. We pull over as soon as we can and run back to the truck. Isaac's bike was down, Isaac himself was walking around while Matty was trying to pull the bike out from under the guard rail. By this time the rest of the group had caught up and parked their bikes.
What did I mean by hazy? Well, the stories get different. Isaac and Matty were riding like ass-hats trying to show off or something. They were going faster than the group, zig-zagging, weaving, and passing illegally. Jim, the lead rider thought he saw Isaac try to pass a car on the left, over a double-yellow in a blind turn resulting in him laying the bike down after he presumably lost control. Isaac didn't really say much, but Matty blamed the truck for being parked in a lane Isaac shouldn't have been in in the first place. From what Matty said: Isaac took the inside line, crossing the double-yellow and came out wide and thus laid out the bike trying to avoid the truck that was suddenly in front of him.
But would Isaac have been in that situation if he had been riding with the rest of us instead of like a hooligan?
At this point, Isaac decided to ride the totaled SV1000s home with Amber, the guy on the chopper and Christie as his chaperons since the bike did not have a front headlight nor front brakes. Randall and (Ducati) Matty decided to call it a day and Wayne decided to leave since , as we were headed, he wasn't going to get home as early as he'd hoped. This left Becky, Kristina, Matty and myself.
Even though his friend had just gone down Matty still rode like an ass-hat leaving the rest of us beyond the rearview mirror, Becky was a lot slower and she admitted she was a bit shaken up and even though there were four of us, we still had a hard time keeping the group together. This annoyed me. If you're going to ride with a group you need to maintain the integrity of the group. It's that simple. It's something Harley riders are good at doing (but, we have to admit, they can't go fast enough to lose each other) and it's something the people I usually ride with strive to maintain as well.
I should note: Matty did keep an eye on his rearview, slowing down and stopping when Becky or Amber fell too far behind; however, he still sped up and left anyone who couldn't keep up, long behind him.
The Lesson
When I ride with hot-doggers like Matty and Isaac, or the people I rode to Telluride with (who left a new-to-riding female about 20 miles behind them riding by herself) I start to re-evaluate and reconsider some of the people I have been riding with recently. At times like these reconsidering seems like a good policy. However, I am in a conundrum. As a military veteran I was always taught to lead by example. It is hard to lead by and set a good example when you aren't in the same place as those needing the guidance. That's something I'm going to have to consider while I re-evaluate who I will ride with in the future.
Addendum: for some reason this doesn't read well to me, but I can't seem to think of a another way to write it. What do you think?
I had a friend in town over the Labor Day weekend. I met her about two years ago at a party for the the local sportbike group here in Colorado and last year she decided to move to Hawai'i for whatever reason (I think to follow a guy she met while on vacation there) and this was her first trip back to Colorado since she left.
Before she even came back to the continent she sent out a Facebook event notification stating she wanted to go on a ride while she was in town. When she moved to Hawai'i she sold her GSXR-600 as well as nearly every other item she owned and therefore didn't have anything to ride while she was in the island state. Luckily, another friend had bought a R1 and had a GSXR-750 sitting in the garage for her to use. Fair enough.
The Event
So, we met on Sunday morning in the nearly 50 degree-f weather at a local meeting point for our ride. If history was any indication I didn't need to worry so hard about arriving on time and history was right: about half the people showed up to the staging place nearly a half hour late. That was an unfortunate bit of serendipity as it allowed the weather to get a little warmer, however it did place the day's schedule perilously close to going past it's 9a-noon time frame. Not that we ride on a schedule, mind you, but the ride was set to be over at noon and a lot of us had other plans for the rest of the day including barbecues, the Taste of Colorado and other cultural events.
Anywho, we finally started our ride. Again, the same as the last couple of weeks, I found myself riding with people I wasn't accustomed to riding with. Sure, there were the usual suspects, but then there were another 5 or 6 people I've never seen on a motorcycle.
The Players
A couple of the guys, Matty and Isaac, were people I'd met just earlier that weekend. Both joked that I'd never be able to keep up with them, that they were great riders. Matty rides a ZX6R (636) and Isaac (to my amazement) rode a blue 2004 SV1000s. It was nearly stock and from what I understood Isaac had only acquired it a month or two earlier.
We took off. My friend Jim was the lead person riding an Aprillia and Randall rode as the sweeper on his Blackbird. I was somewhere in the middle. Both of the other guys are good riders, Jim a racer and Randall just very experienced: responsible for themselves and the group and I didn't have to think twice about them. Some of the other riders weren't so strong or I haven't ridden with them enough to know their skill level and had to make my assumptions based on who I know who have ridden with them in the past.
The beginning of the ride wasn't too bad -- we hit the canyons outside of the metro area, heading southwest. Unfortunately, because we did start so late we also ran into a lot more cager traffic than we normally would have had out kickstands up time been met. A couple of the riders, Matty and Isaac, weren't content to ride in a group at the speeds we were travelling and they spent an inordinate amount of time looking over their shoulders as though they were trying to keep an eye on someone in the rear of the group although we had a sweeper who fulfills that duty. Between speeding up on the lead and zig-zagging in and out of our group they were trying to keep an eye on one of the riders in the rear of the line, presumably Amber, another rider. In short, they weren't really being safe or responsible riders.
We turned onto a much loved and very dangerous road that takes the lives of riders every year, most recently a fellow sportbike rider in June that resulted in our Memorial Ride a couple of weeks ago. As soon as we left the more traveled portion of this road the two riders, Matty and Isaac, started again with their zig-zagging, illegal passing in double-yellow zones and riding to the front of the group then slowing down and speeding up again. You have to understand, this is a two-lane road with cliffs on one side and drops on the other with an average posted speed-limit of 35mph. As a group we were going considerably faster than the posted 35mph and these guys were going much faster than the rest of us while riding (in my opinion) irresponsibly.
As we hit a series of blind turns Isaac and Matty decided to pass the lead rider, Jim. Normally when we ride this is a big no-no that will not get you invited on more group rides. The lead is the lead and serves a function; some of those functions are to set the pace and to scout out the road ahead marking items that might pose a danger to the group. After Matty and Isaac passed Jim everything gets hazy.
The Crisis
By this time I am the third person in the group: Jim, (another) Matty (on a Ducati) and myself, then Christie (on a ZX10r), Wayne (on a SV650s), Kristina (on a borrowed GSXR750), Amber (on a blue R6, I think, (some other guy (on a custom chopper believe it or not), Becky (on a R1) and finally our sweeper, Randall. Jim, (the other) Matty and I come around this blind turn to see a white Chevy pickup parked in a left turn pullout and a motorcycle on the ground lodged up under a guard rail. We pull over as soon as we can and run back to the truck. Isaac's bike was down, Isaac himself was walking around while Matty was trying to pull the bike out from under the guard rail. By this time the rest of the group had caught up and parked their bikes.
What did I mean by hazy? Well, the stories get different. Isaac and Matty were riding like ass-hats trying to show off or something. They were going faster than the group, zig-zagging, weaving, and passing illegally. Jim, the lead rider thought he saw Isaac try to pass a car on the left, over a double-yellow in a blind turn resulting in him laying the bike down after he presumably lost control. Isaac didn't really say much, but Matty blamed the truck for being parked in a lane Isaac shouldn't have been in in the first place. From what Matty said: Isaac took the inside line, crossing the double-yellow and came out wide and thus laid out the bike trying to avoid the truck that was suddenly in front of him.
But would Isaac have been in that situation if he had been riding with the rest of us instead of like a hooligan?
At this point, Isaac decided to ride the totaled SV1000s home with Amber, the guy on the chopper and Christie as his chaperons since the bike did not have a front headlight nor front brakes. Randall and (Ducati) Matty decided to call it a day and Wayne decided to leave since , as we were headed, he wasn't going to get home as early as he'd hoped. This left Becky, Kristina, Matty and myself.
Even though his friend had just gone down Matty still rode like an ass-hat leaving the rest of us beyond the rearview mirror, Becky was a lot slower and she admitted she was a bit shaken up and even though there were four of us, we still had a hard time keeping the group together. This annoyed me. If you're going to ride with a group you need to maintain the integrity of the group. It's that simple. It's something Harley riders are good at doing (but, we have to admit, they can't go fast enough to lose each other) and it's something the people I usually ride with strive to maintain as well.
I should note: Matty did keep an eye on his rearview, slowing down and stopping when Becky or Amber fell too far behind; however, he still sped up and left anyone who couldn't keep up, long behind him.
The Lesson
When I ride with hot-doggers like Matty and Isaac, or the people I rode to Telluride with (who left a new-to-riding female about 20 miles behind them riding by herself) I start to re-evaluate and reconsider some of the people I have been riding with recently. At times like these reconsidering seems like a good policy. However, I am in a conundrum. As a military veteran I was always taught to lead by example. It is hard to lead by and set a good example when you aren't in the same place as those needing the guidance. That's something I'm going to have to consider while I re-evaluate who I will ride with in the future.
Addendum: for some reason this doesn't read well to me, but I can't seem to think of a another way to write it. What do you think?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
TelluRIDE August 27, 2011
A few weeks ago my friend Becky asked if I wanted to ride to Telluride, CO. She reserved a four bedroom, four level condo for the weekend which brought my overnight share down to $50+expenses. Of course I was in!
Our trip was nearly 900 miles from start to finish with the blue line being the route there and the red line being the return route.
View TelluRIDE 8-27-2011 in a larger map
Unfortunately we had a a late start due to someone not being able to wake up on time and then some R1 difficulties in Woodland Park, CO. Over Monarch Pass we ran into rain, snow and hail and in Montrose we ran into the sheriffs. Well, I didn't run into the sheriffs as I stopped to take some pictures at Blue Mesa Resevoir and arrived a few minutes after they were stopped and questioned.
A vast majority of the people on this ride were people I'd never ridden with before and a couple of them were new to riding. I was annoyed that the faster people kept leaving the slower riders in the dust, especially when I explicitly stated during the safety brief (which I was asked to give) that if you can't see the person behind you in your rearview mirror, you're going too fast. There was no dedicated sweeper to make sure everyone was safe and people sometimes fell 20 or more miles behind. We had 8 motorcycles, one two-up and one BMW who said he's sweep but who kept passing the slower riders when he had a chance.
I didn't like the way they did kept separating the group so much. However, after the faster people were stopped by the Montrose sheriff's office they made a unanimous decision to go much much slower, allowing the group to stay together.
On the way back, I metioned I'd like to try a different route and 5 of us went that way (the red line on the map above). Two went to Grand Junction to visit friends, the BMW left early as he needed to get back to Denver before 4PM and two other bikes (one 2-up) decided they just wanted to get back as quickly as possible and headed straight for I-70.
It was a long day, but a fun day.
Since we had a smaller group it was easier to stay together which pleased me just fine. We stopped when we wanted, tried some new roads out and passed the 12,000ft above sea level mark. We didn't run into any snow or hail on the way back to Denver, but we did ride through some rain, some cold cold rain.
I really wish we'd stopped more for pictures, but we didn't. Maybe next time. And I really wish I'd used the GoPro more, but I didn't. Seems like every time I brought it out to attach it to the bike we hit long straights which aren't very fun to record.
Finally, kickstands up at MoCo
Gassing up
Looking back towards Monarch Pass
Blue Mesa Resevoir
Coming together after the sheriffs stopped some of the group
A railroad museum in Ridgeway
Becky, the organizer, taking her boots off
the top floor of the condo
Something to drink
Some more of the condo
View from the balcony
view from the balcony
Main street, Telluride, CO
Parked for food
Roadside, Paonia State Park
lake at Paonia State Park
Guess where?
Becky's R1 and my SV
Becky's GSX-R, R1 and my SV
Rain clouds
Down the mountain
August 20th, 2011 -- Veteran's Rally
August 20th served two purposes this year: on the one hand, it's one of my best friend's birthdays and on the other it was the weekend of the annual Veteran's Rally in Cripple Creek, CO.
My friend, Danni (inside joke) wasn't sure what he wanted to do on his birthday, he just knew that he didn't want to spend it with his girlfriend (of 15 years). That's a long story and not the point of this blog.
Some friends of his, and acquaintances of mine, invited me to the annual veteran's rally and ride. They're Harley riders and go every year as the husband, Johnny, is a vet and the wife, Jackie, is the daughter of a vet. I know Danni wanted to go to this as we're both veterans, it's actually where we met back in 1994.
But I had a memorial ride to go on first. Back in July, while I was in Florida, a local rider friend of mine, Gary, and a friend of his (Dave) were riding the Deckers Run when Dave crashed and died. No one knows the exact details of what happened to Dave: did his bike malfunction, did he hit something in the road, did he lose control? No one knows for sure.
Gary organized a memorial ride for his friend Dave the same morning and the veteran's rally, but luckily the two groups were taking the same route to Deckers and then it was nothing more than going to Cripple Creek while the memorial riders returned to Denver. I was able to fit both rides in!
We met at MoCo for an 8:30a KSU (kickstands up) but we didn't actually get kickstands up until about an hour later, which put me an hour behind the other riders. Arrgh! And the route wasn't the direct route, but rather a longer round-about route which put me even further behind the people going to the veteran's rally.
Quite annoying.
We rode down to Deckers and out of about 45 bikes one went down. He was behind me, but from what I understand he tried a dangerous pass inside a turn on a double solid line. When we arrived in Deckers at the traditional turn-around point, I noticed my other group wasn't there. Either they'd stopped and moved on after waiting for me, or they didn't stop. I said my good-byes and hauled ass south.
As I came into Woodland Park, right at my turn to Cripple Creek I see my friend on my old SV and his friends at a gas station. Apparently they had decided to stop for a bathroom break and it was taking much longer than they thought it would. Lucky for me.
We headed west as part of a very long line of motorcycles. I'd say miles and miles of Harleys interspaced with a few choppers, adventure tourers and very few sportbikes.
It was slow, but every single person on their bike was either a veteran like myself or related to one. We rode the last few miles to Cripple Creek, which would normally have taken me about 20 minutes, in a little more than an hour.
My friend, Danni (inside joke) wasn't sure what he wanted to do on his birthday, he just knew that he didn't want to spend it with his girlfriend (of 15 years). That's a long story and not the point of this blog.
Some friends of his, and acquaintances of mine, invited me to the annual veteran's rally and ride. They're Harley riders and go every year as the husband, Johnny, is a vet and the wife, Jackie, is the daughter of a vet. I know Danni wanted to go to this as we're both veterans, it's actually where we met back in 1994.
But I had a memorial ride to go on first. Back in July, while I was in Florida, a local rider friend of mine, Gary, and a friend of his (Dave) were riding the Deckers Run when Dave crashed and died. No one knows the exact details of what happened to Dave: did his bike malfunction, did he hit something in the road, did he lose control? No one knows for sure.
Gary organized a memorial ride for his friend Dave the same morning and the veteran's rally, but luckily the two groups were taking the same route to Deckers and then it was nothing more than going to Cripple Creek while the memorial riders returned to Denver. I was able to fit both rides in!
We met at MoCo for an 8:30a KSU (kickstands up) but we didn't actually get kickstands up until about an hour later, which put me an hour behind the other riders. Arrgh! And the route wasn't the direct route, but rather a longer round-about route which put me even further behind the people going to the veteran's rally.
Quite annoying.
We rode down to Deckers and out of about 45 bikes one went down. He was behind me, but from what I understand he tried a dangerous pass inside a turn on a double solid line. When we arrived in Deckers at the traditional turn-around point, I noticed my other group wasn't there. Either they'd stopped and moved on after waiting for me, or they didn't stop. I said my good-byes and hauled ass south.
As I came into Woodland Park, right at my turn to Cripple Creek I see my friend on my old SV and his friends at a gas station. Apparently they had decided to stop for a bathroom break and it was taking much longer than they thought it would. Lucky for me.
We headed west as part of a very long line of motorcycles. I'd say miles and miles of Harleys interspaced with a few choppers, adventure tourers and very few sportbikes.
It was slow, but every single person on their bike was either a veteran like myself or related to one. We rode the last few miles to Cripple Creek, which would normally have taken me about 20 minutes, in a little more than an hour.
Riders riding in
A sweet ass custom U.S. Army themed ZX14r
The veteran's honor guard
The Pledge of Allegiance
The crowd at Cripple Creek
Patriot Guard Riders out of Kansas
Naked Liberty
More bikes
A little custom
The Monster's Inc. trike
Danni, Jackie, Johnny
An Indian
Ghost Rider is here?
More bikes
Memorial bike for a fallen soldier
A veteran needs a home. So, apparently this GSD served for 6 years in Afghanistan seeking bombs. His handler died and he lost a leg. When he came to the USA he was offered up for adoption. He still needs a home. If I had the room...
Air Force bomber-themed Harley
Me, on the SV
Danni and Me
Motorcycle Expo
The day after our August ride up Trail Ridge Road was the first annual Denver motorcycle expo. Since it was a first annual it was fairly small, but they did have the Colorado state patrol motorcycle unit, dyno tests, Harleys, sportbikes, racers and stunters. And of course, everyone stayed with their own group. :D
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get some.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did get some.
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